Tag Archives: Weight Loss Exercise

Obesity can cause a variety of health problems including diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.  If you are looking to lose weight, it is best to make sustainable lifestyle and diet changes to lose weight over time so that you can take the weight off safely and keep it off. [Read more]

Yoga is very popular, but also very often misunderstood. That’s hardly surprising; after all, there are many different types of yoga, and many different reasons people practice it, so it can all be rather confusing for people on the outside to know what to make of it. Yoga is not like anything else in the modern world, but once the misunderstandings are cleared up, you can see that it has a lot to offer. [Read more]



We can all do with improving our general health, but working out needn’t be high-impact and intense. If you want to see the benefits of regular activity, there are plenty of low-impact exercises that you can do either in the comfort of your home or out and about. Just a half an hour of movement a day can improve your health and support weight loss in a sustainable way. By fitting these low-impact exercise ideas into your routine you will improve your fitness levels without harming your joints. [Read more]

When you think of a cardio workout, you probably think of something that is arduous and not much fun — such as running. However, a great cardio workout doesn’t have to be that way. Dancing is actually one of the best forms of cardio there is. Here are three reasons why you should consider trying dance cardio. A good cardio workout is all about putting your heart through its paces. You need a strong cardiovascular system to be truly healthy. The heart is probably the body’s most important organ, and better cardio health extends lifespan and reduces risk for an enormous number of diseases. [Read more]

With so many jobs being converted to working from home, people are struggling to find alternatives to traditional methods of keeping weight down. Creating an at-home gym space is not an option for some. Due to fear of the pandemic, light walks and jogging have become something to avoid due to safety concerns. Isolation for long periods of time can also lead to depression and anxiety, which exacerbate the struggle to maintain proper eating habits during these trying times. Solutions exist thanks to advancements in technology that many are not yet aware of. [Read more]

Have you reached a plateau in your efforts to lose weight? Are you starting to feel like your scale is stuck and need to do something to start shedding pounds again? If so, you have come to the right place. Incorporate the following five fabulous tips into your daily routine and watch the pounds start to melt off again. [Read more]

You are committed to exercising to keep fit, but somehow cannot find the time for it every day. Your good intentions are thwarted by late nights, late mornings, a headache, a child with a toothache, and a million other reasons. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), people who take part in regular physical activity reduce their risk of suffering from coronary heart disease and stroke, as well as hypertension, diabetes, breast cancer, colon cancer, and depression. Regular exercise also aids in weight management. [Read more]

The term “core” refers to not just your abs, but the tissues and structures around them as well. Your core includes the abdominal muscles, the multifidus, pelvic floor, diaphragm, and more. While many people seek out core and ab exercises because they aspire to a flat, well-defined midsection, they often miss out on the greater benefits. Your core is responsible for stability and force transfer and can help to prevent and rehabilitate injuries, as well as promote long term health, regardless of whether you are a high-performance athlete or a wellness enthusiast. [Read more]