Tag Archives: Weight Loss Exercise

So it’s finally time to get yourself back in shape. You’ve realized that age is starting to have a real effect on your body, and you want to do something about it. Getting back in shape can be difficult, because your body doesn’t burn fat as easily as it used to, and it doesn’t recover as rapidly as it did when you were young. However, if you exercise intelligently, you can still get to the fitness levels you want without injuring yourself while doing so. You just have to exercise a little smarter. [Read more]

There are many approaches to take toward losing weight. A combination of calorie counting and exercise is the most straightforward and effective, while for many people some of the more unusual diet plans can wind up being more trouble than they’re worth.
However, one technique for boosting weight loss is often overlooked. The ancient practice of yoga can greatly help your dieting effort, even if a session doesn’t burn through calories quite as quickly as cardio or jogging. Here are five reasons why it works. [Read more]

People who love to exercise have no problem finding ways to get in a workout no matter where they are or what’s going on. They use the hotel gym when traveling, jog in the nearest park during disasters, and flow into yoga any time of the day and any place they can squeeze a mat. If you don’t work out on a regular basis, the thought of exercising when under stress can cause even more stress. But keeping fit during difficult times is important. Studies show that exercise can raise the heart rate, which increases endorphins in the brain and also helps calm the mind, which will lead to more and better sleep. We know sleep is essential for staying healthy and a calm, relaxed state is vital to overall well-being. Here are four tips for the non-athlete to get in some exercise while at home. [Read more]

The number one reason for exercising as you get older? It helps you live longer. It also improves the quality of your life by warding off threats to your health and vitality, such as heart disease and diabetes, and mishaps such as falls. You don’t have to train like a professional athlete or spend hours in the gym every day to reap the benefits of exercise. Movement is the key; 30 minutes a day will get the job done. The idea is to do something you enjoy and to stay motivated. [Read more]

People in search of simple equipment which will enable regular, enjoyable cardiopulmonary fitness exercise need look no further than the stationary bicycle.  This type of bike, designed for indoor use, makes it possible to exercise without concern for the weather while allowing attention to reading materials, TV, and other amusement devices. [Read more]