Tag Archives: Weight Loss Lifestyle

Have you reached a plateau in your efforts to lose weight? Are you starting to feel like your scale is stuck and need to do something to start shedding pounds again? If so, you have come to the right place. Incorporate the following five fabulous tips into your daily routine and watch the pounds start to melt off again. [Read more]

Meditation is becoming increasingly popular among people who want to better themselves. Practitioners tend to feel more calm and joyful after they’ve meditated, and there are even claims that it can help treat and prevent diseases. Since meditation is mostly a solitary practice, it can be difficult to verify such claims. Is it that people who meditate already have better immune systems, or does meditation help an immune system to become better? The research is a bit fuzzy. However, there are scientifically-supported benefits of meditation that may not seem as huge as cancer prevention, but that extend to multiple areas of your life. Even if meditation isn’t a cure-all, it certainly helps. [Read more]

You are committed to exercising to keep fit, but somehow cannot find the time for it every day. Your good intentions are thwarted by late nights, late mornings, a headache, a child with a toothache, and a million other reasons. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), people who take part in regular physical activity reduce their risk of suffering from coronary heart disease and stroke, as well as hypertension, diabetes, breast cancer, colon cancer, and depression. Regular exercise also aids in weight management. [Read more]

The term “core” refers to not just your abs, but the tissues and structures around them as well. Your core includes the abdominal muscles, the multifidus, pelvic floor, diaphragm, and more. While many people seek out core and ab exercises because they aspire to a flat, well-defined midsection, they often miss out on the greater benefits. Your core is responsible for stability and force transfer and can help to prevent and rehabilitate injuries, as well as promote long term health, regardless of whether you are a high-performance athlete or a wellness enthusiast. [Read more]

You won’t love summer’s warmth if you are afraid to wear less and reveal extra flesh. You’ll want to stay under wraps rather than pop on a swimming costume and jump in the sea or wear a skimpy outfit. The answer, you probably imagine, is to workout. Nonetheless, exercising at the gym might not be your idea of enjoyment. Fortunately, you can get fit in the following ways rather than sweating in an aerobics class. [Read more]