People who love to exercise have no problem finding ways to get in a workout no matter where they are or what’s going on. They use the hotel gym when traveling, jog in the nearest park during disasters, and flow into yoga any time of the day and any place they can squeeze a mat. If you don’t work out on a regular basis, the thought of exercising when under stress can cause even more stress. But keeping fit during difficult times is important. Studies show that exercise can raise the heart rate, which increases endorphins in the brain and also helps calm the mind, which will lead to more and better sleep. We know sleep is essential for staying healthy and a calm, relaxed state is vital to overall well-being. Here are four tips for the non-athlete to get in some exercise while at home.
1. The lymphatic system is an important part of the body’s immune system.
It works with the cardiovascular system to flush toxins and carries immune cells through the body. Unlike the cardiovascular system, however, it does not have a pump, the heart, to control it. One of the best ways to stimulate the lymphatic system is movement, and one of the best movements is walking. Simple walking can be done anywhere and doesn’t require special equipment or clothing. Put on whatever weather-appropriate clothes you can find in the clean-clothes pile, a decent pair of shoes, and head outside. A change of scenery will also be good for your soul. Don’t worry about setting speed records and don’t be tempted to run if that’s not your thing. Walk briskly and you’ll be surprised at how quickly your heart rate increases and the blood flow amps up.
2. Isometric exercise is basically contracting a muscle but not moving any joints.
There are many free instructional videos available on the internet, and the beauty of this type of exercise is that it can be done seated. That’s right, you can watch television or scroll on your computer and still strengthen your muscles, increase flexibility, and even burn calories. For an overall workout make sure to target several muscle groups, but start wherever you feel comfortable, even if it’s in a chair, and go from there.
3. Yoga not only works on the body, but many routines are designed to calm and focus the mind with breathing instruction, positive affirmations, and meditation.
If you’re not into the mental aspect of yoga, fear not. There are plenty of internet videos that only focus on the physical features of this form of exercise. Start with beginner sessions and modify in any way needed to protect your body from injury. Try to get the poses as closely as possible to what the instructor shows, but chances are you won’t look like the instructor, who does this for a living. Have fun, keep a smile on your face, and laugh if you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Yoga is not a competition and no one is watching you. If you have no choice but to practice in front of family or others, remember yoga also builds muscles, which can be used to deliver retribution to anyone who teases you at your efforts.
4. Weight-training is not just about developing bulging muscles.
It can help improve posture and increase bone density, which is especially important for women at risk for osteoporosis. And having stronger arms makes many aspects of life easier, from carrying groceries to opening pickle jars, to moving furniture, to delivering justice to any who mock your yoga efforts. Why not start building those muscles now? If you don’t have weights at home, head to your pantry and grab two cans, then turn on your computer. Yes, there are fun videos on the internet that show canned food workouts!
Put on music, a podcast, or an audiobook to make the time go by faster, and use this time stuck at home to benefit your body. It will thank you later!