From 5K to the Half Marathon: A Post-Bariatric Surgery Journey worth Trying

From 5K to the Half Marathon A Post-Bariatric Surgery Journey worth TryingWeight loss surgery is a launching point for a series of huge changes in your lifestyle. This includes changes to the way that you eat, the way that you spend your free-time, and of course how often you exercise. In the early weeks and months after weight loss surgery any sort of intense exercise isn’t highly recommended. The reason for this is that your body has to heal and you need to give your body a chance to adjust to your new way of being. However, that doesn’t mean that you don’t want to move at all.

Low intensity and moderate activities are a great way to help your body heal. And as you lose weight you’ll find yourself more able to participate in the type of activities you might have never envisioned for yourself. So while week two out of weight loss surgery you may just be taking a slow paced walk around your property, it is within reach to believe that two years post-surgery you can be crossing the finish line of your first half marathon.

The best way to push yourself towards achieving a milestone like this is to make a plan and stick to it. Here is a helpful breakdown of how you can plan out your workouts to help yourself reach new heights in achieving your fitness goals.

Tips on Crossing the Finish Line

The first thing that you want to consider when starting out towards a new fitness objective like this is time. You want to make sure that you give yourself plenty of time to work up to a hefty goal. In many cases, the journey to becoming physically fit is just as mental as it is physical.

Your bariatric procedure is a great source of inspiration on starting you on this active journey. As you are recovering from surgery you want to keep it easy. Rather than planning on walking and distance, consider going and watching a race. Make up a fun sign and encourage people who are participating in the race to stay positive. Seeing athletes who are already working towards that finish line push through their own frustrations might actually be inspiring!

Once your weight loss surgeon gives the okay, start walking longer distances. Start with something small—like half a mile—then work your way up. You don’t want to increase your distance to soon. Work up in increments. Once you feel like you are comfortable at a certain distance level or that you aren’t being challenged, increase it.

You’ll also want to set up a schedule. For example, you may want to dedicate time four days a week to your walking routine. Three days of the week will be a basic walk, but on that fourth day (perhaps a weekend) you can plan to go a bit longer. Doing this will help you decide if you are ready to increase your distance during your weekly walks, as well.

Keep in touch with your weight loss surgeon as you are embarking on your physical fitness journey. You may also want to find a friend or walking group to get involved with, as company can be a great form of encouragement when it comes to working out.