How To Get Your Vitamins After Weight Loss Surgery

After having gastric bypass, lap-band, or other bariatric surgeries, it’s important to take a closer look at the foods you eat. While bariatric surgeries will address how much food you eat, only you can control what types of food you eat, which is just as important to maintaining your health. Surgically restricting your portion sizes can help you lose weight, but paying attention to the vitamins your body needs can help ensure you feel your best for as long as possible.

After you have weight loss surgery, you may need to rely on your diet and supplements to meet your vitamin needs. The first step is to make every bite of your diet count by eating foods that are naturally rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Which foods are best for you? Whole foods, which are foods that are unprocessed and unrefined, or as close to their natural state as possible. Fruits and vegetables, for example, offer the most nutritional value when eaten as close to fresh as possible instead of out of a jar with preservatives and additives designed to increase shelf life. Focus on eating foods that aren’t packaged, and you’ll have a great start to getting the nutrients you need while still losing weight.

In addition to eating a whole food diet, you may also want to take supplements and multi-vitamins. Talk to your doctor about the foods you eat regularly and what vitamins you may be lacking to help decide which supplements you should take.