Author Archives: Staff

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the specter of infection and illness impacting all aspects of daily life. Even if a COVID-19 vaccine is developed it may not be widely available for some time, and many scientists predict that similar new threats will emerge in years to come. Recent history has many examples of pandemics including the 1918 H1N1 virus, commonly known as Spanish Flu. [Read more]

Weight loss is incredibly difficult because so much of the process is psychological. When you have an impulse or craving, you’re experiencing a powerful decision-making influencer. Takeout food, for instance, is easy, comforting and saves time. It’s an instant gratification that manipulates your would-be logical thinking with emotional triggers. But if you limit these day-to-day meal decisions, when you’re most vulnerable to slip up, you can remove impulse from the equation and replace it with good habits. [Read more]

Whether you are encouraging your kids to eat healthier or trying to improve your own nutrition, adding more vegetables to your diet can help a lot. Nutritional experts recommend a minimum of five servings of vegetables every day, but most people fall far short of that goal. If you own diet is deficient in the vegetables, you may need to think more creatively. There are plenty of other ways to serve up vegetables, and side dishes are only one of them. Here are seven sneaky ways to incorporate more healthy vegetables into your daily diet. [Read more]

The term “core” refers to not just your abs, but the tissues and structures around them as well. Your core includes the abdominal muscles, the multifidus, pelvic floor, diaphragm, and more. While many people seek out core and ab exercises because they aspire to a flat, well-defined midsection, they often miss out on the greater benefits. Your core is responsible for stability and force transfer and can help to prevent and rehabilitate injuries, as well as promote long term health, regardless of whether you are a high-performance athlete or a wellness enthusiast. [Read more]

It’s impossible to live without meeting challenges, some of which may leave you hurt or frustrated. When you carry grudges and pain into the present, though, you can’t move forward. You don’t progress because your past weighs you down and makes you stressed. Here’s how to drop emotional baggage and improve your well-being. [Read more]

When people talk about diets and eating healthy, it might conjure up an image of small plates filled with weird food you don’t want to eat. But eating healthy doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself. You don’t have to forsake your favorite dishes in order to care for your body. You just need to modify them a bit. Below you’ll find a few healthy alternatives that will give your diet a makeover and still allow you to enjoy dinner time. [Read more]

So it’s finally time to get yourself back in shape. You’ve realized that age is starting to have a real effect on your body, and you want to do something about it. Getting back in shape can be difficult, because your body doesn’t burn fat as easily as it used to, and it doesn’t recover as rapidly as it did when you were young. However, if you exercise intelligently, you can still get to the fitness levels you want without injuring yourself while doing so. You just have to exercise a little smarter. [Read more]