Tag Archives: Positive Attitude

When people are worried, scared or tense about things that may happen to them or are actually occurring around them, this is anxiety. It is actually a normal human response to stress, but learning how to manage it and live a healthy life is important. When anxiety becomes overwhelming and unmanageable, this is the time to get help. You can also learn to manage your anxiety so it does not overwhelm you. [Read more]

Perhaps your goal is distant, but the journey to success has to begin somewhere. People who make their dreams come true are persistent. They understand they won’t get ahead straight away and will meet setbacks. It’s important you recognize problems are part of the package when you follow your dreams too. Here’s how to develop the right mindset and conditions to aid success. [Read more]

Meditation is becoming increasingly popular among people who want to better themselves. Practitioners tend to feel more calm and joyful after they’ve meditated, and there are even claims that it can help treat and prevent diseases. Since meditation is mostly a solitary practice, it can be difficult to verify such claims. Is it that people who meditate already have better immune systems, or does meditation help an immune system to become better? The research is a bit fuzzy. However, there are scientifically-supported benefits of meditation that may not seem as huge as cancer prevention, but that extend to multiple areas of your life. Even if meditation isn’t a cure-all, it certainly helps. [Read more]

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the specter of infection and illness impacting all aspects of daily life. Even if a COVID-19 vaccine is developed it may not be widely available for some time, and many scientists predict that similar new threats will emerge in years to come. Recent history has many examples of pandemics including the 1918 H1N1 virus, commonly known as Spanish Flu. [Read more]

It’s impossible to live without meeting challenges, some of which may leave you hurt or frustrated. When you carry grudges and pain into the present, though, you can’t move forward. You don’t progress because your past weighs you down and makes you stressed. Here’s how to drop emotional baggage and improve your well-being. [Read more]

Have you noticed some people are happy most of the time, no matter what goes on in their lives? Other folks, though, are never satisfied. Whether things go well or they face challenges, they give the impression life is a drag. People’s demeanors don’t occur by chance, however. Nor are they at the mercy of genetics. Perception colors everything they see, coating it with sunshine or misery. What’s more, perception isn’t fixed; you can change the way you survey the world and alter your level of satisfaction. [Read more]



Is the thought life’s too slow always at the back of your mind? Maybe you get frustrated when traffic is sluggish or you’re stuck in a queue at the supermarket? The idea you could do something more productive gnaws at your psyche. The problem isn’t really about events outside of your control; it’s lack of patience that stresses you. Here’s how to relax and enjoy life’s pace without getting so anxious. [Read more]