Tag Archives: Weight Loss Nutrition

It’s long been said that the trick to avoiding overindulgence and temptation is just to stay home. When you want to lose weight, don’t put yourself in a situation where a piece of cake is just an order away. Menus are overly tempting, and it becomes difficult to stick to your diet plan when you are surrounded by the sights and smells of everything sweet. [Read more]

After weight loss surgery your stomach capacity will be greatly reduced, and this will limit how often you will feel hungry, and how much food it will require for your body to feel satisfied. But that isn’t going to change those mental cravings. So even before you undergo bariatric surgery, it is a good question to ask yourself: what is making you want to eat right now? [Read more]

Depending on the type of weight loss surgery that you choose to undergo, you may be recommended for a low-fat diet. Fat is naturally found in a lot of foods, especially meats, dairy, and baked goods. While some fats in your diet is healthy, there are some fats that are best removed almost entirely from your daily intake. [Read more]

There is a reason the drive-thru is so crowded. There is a lot of talk about Americans having an obesity problem, but the reality is that most Americans have a work problem, too. As in, there is a lot of work to be done and high expectations surrounding how many hours you work per day and per week. [Read more]

Weight loss surgery sets you up for long-term weight loss success, but this is only true when you keep up with the dietary changes your weight loss surgeon outlines prior to your operation. If you attempt to maintain the dietary habits that you had prior to your bariatric procedure, then you may not be as successful in reaching your weight loss goals. [Read more]

If you want to lose weight, then you need to cut fat, right? Well, according to a new bit of research this may not be the most effective strategy for weight loss, or for your long-term health goals.
The low fat diet has perpetually been looked at as one of the most effective dietary methods for losing weight. Medical weight loss programs even often incorporate some aspects of this sort of dietary trend, because when you cut down on fried foods and baked goods it becomes a lot easier to lose weight. After all, continuing to feed your body high levels of fat as you are trying to lose fat just doesn’t make any sense.
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