Tag Archives: Healthy Habits

When you set out on a weight loss journey, it can quickly become a whirlwind of big changes. Some of these changes are easier to keep up with than others. While it is great to start feeling healthier, and everyone loves those early days when the weight first starts to fall off and your clothes start fitting nicer, there are plenty of other changes that aren’t quite as simple. Keeping up with your diet changes and exercise goals can quickly become more hassle than enjoyment. Finding a way to set up your schedule in a way that will support long-term success is the best solution. [Read more]

Losing weight requires making long-term changes to your diet and lifestyle, including how active you are. The dietary changes that you make have to be focused around your new weight loss program. Your weight loss surgeon will spell out these changes for you to make it plain and simple, but this won’t change the fact that there are some foods that you will always love, and saying goodbye to them forever may seem more and more difficult with every passing day of your weight loss plan. [Read more]

The internet has fundamentally changed the way we live our lives in many different ways. There are options to go to school online, to work online, and even to order groceries to your home from the internet. If you spend enough time and energy trying to make it happen, you can pretty much guarantee you would never have to leave your house again, so long as you maintained your internet connection. [Read more]

Staying positive is really important as you are trying to lose weight. Concentrating too much on the weight loss obstacles in front of you, or the stress of taking on so many new healthy changes can really interfere with your ability to stay motivated and focused on your weight loss goals. Finding ways to stay positive isn’t always easy, but it is absolutely always worth it. [Read more]

One of the biggest myths surrounding weight loss programs is that in order to lose weight you have to be hungry all of the time.  This just isn’t the case, and you can talk to anyone who has successfully lose weight using weight loss surgery as witness. When you undergo weight loss surgery, your body goes through so many changes to support your new healthy lifestyle that hunger isn’t an issue—especially if you spend the time getting to know what you can have, and what you will enjoy. [Read more]

When was the last time that you caught yourself day dreaming at the office about the workout waiting for you at the gym? For far too many people, heading to the gym is a chore. Sure, it may feel great when you are done, but are you having a great time while you are in the midst of your workout? If not, then it is probably going to be difficult to keep up with your workout goals over time. The more you dislike your workout, the less likely you are to stick with it. [Read more]



There are some people who are born loving to run, and there are others who just plain and simple don’t like it. If your memories of gym class are filled with anxiety and dread, and you can’t remember the last time you happily went to the gym, then attempting to go all-in on a workout program that you know you aren’t going to enjoy doesn’t make sense. [Read more]