Tag Archives: Changes and Transitions

Medical weight loss programs are designed to give you everything you need to be successful with your weight loss program, from what you should be eating to how often you should be moving. The program puts everything you need right in front of you, but it still takes mental commitment on your part to keep up with it. [Read more]

There are a lot of healthy practices out there that can support your weight loss program, such as ensuring that you are drinking enough water to stay hydrated, or heading to the gym a few times a week for a helpful exercise class. Creating a regular yoga routine can also support your weight loss efforts, though in different ways. [Read more]

How many times a week do you make it through a drive thru? Statistics show that Americans are more likely to indulge in take-out more than any other culture, and the reasons as to why we head to the drive thru window are hard to argue with. A long day at work, the cheap prices of fast food, and the desire to get food on the table quick with everything else going on in the day are all valid reasons as to why even the most well-intentioned family may turn to the drive-thru window. [Read more]

In Fort Myers, no matter which weight loss surgery you choose, it is only one of the steps necessary to lose excess weight and become healthier. Permanent weight loss requires healthy lifestyle changes both before and after your surgery. It can sometimes feel overwhelming to stick to commitments to exercise and change eating habits. But, luckily, your mind offers a great support in the form of accountability. [Read more]

After weight loss surgery, the amount and type of food you eat regularly will have to change. The specifics of your post-bariatric surgery diet will vary based on the particular type of bariatric surgery you opt for, but you can expect your diet to become drastically reduced. Taking steps to change the way you think about food prior to weight loss surgery might be one of the biggest ways to give yourself a little weight loss help in Naples and Ft. Myers. [Read more]