Tag Archives: Eating Behaviors

Medical weight loss programs are designed to give you everything you need to be successful with your weight loss program, from what you should be eating to how often you should be moving. The program puts everything you need right in front of you, but it still takes mental commitment on your part to keep up with it. [Read more]

How many times a week do you make it through a drive thru? Statistics show that Americans are more likely to indulge in take-out more than any other culture, and the reasons as to why we head to the drive thru window are hard to argue with. A long day at work, the cheap prices of fast food, and the desire to get food on the table quick with everything else going on in the day are all valid reasons as to why even the most well-intentioned family may turn to the drive-thru window. [Read more]



Changing the way that you prepare foods can have a huge impact on your ability not only to lose weight, but to keep the weight off long term. Creating your own home-cooked meals from scratch every night of the week can put you in control of your eating habits, giving you the chance to make healthy substitutions as needed so that you can continue enjoying the flavors that you love while losing weight. [Read more]