Tag Archives: Weight Loss Exercise

When was the last time that you caught yourself day dreaming at the office about the workout waiting for you at the gym? For far too many people, heading to the gym is a chore. Sure, it may feel great when you are done, but are you having a great time while you are in the midst of your workout? If not, then it is probably going to be difficult to keep up with your workout goals over time. The more you dislike your workout, the less likely you are to stick with it. [Read more]



There are some people who are born loving to run, and there are others who just plain and simple don’t like it. If your memories of gym class are filled with anxiety and dread, and you can’t remember the last time you happily went to the gym, then attempting to go all-in on a workout program that you know you aren’t going to enjoy doesn’t make sense. [Read more]

If you look long and hard enough, you can find a weight loss program that will tell you exactly what you want to hear. There are programs that will have you exclusively drink milkshakes, and programs that will tell you not to exercise at all or risk being far too hungry to stick to your diet. [Read more]

There is an old saying about not being able to teach an old dog new tricks, and when it comes to losing weight there are many who assume that once they’ve reached a certain age there is just no point in trying to make changes. However, the facts don’t back up this point of view. [Read more]

There are a lot of healthy practices out there that can support your weight loss program, such as ensuring that you are drinking enough water to stay hydrated, or heading to the gym a few times a week for a helpful exercise class. Creating a regular yoga routine can also support your weight loss efforts, though in different ways. [Read more]