Tag Archives: Positive Attitude

Medical weight loss programs are designed to give you everything you need to be successful with your weight loss program, from what you should be eating to how often you should be moving. The program puts everything you need right in front of you, but it still takes mental commitment on your part to keep up with it. [Read more]

There are a lot of healthy practices out there that can support your weight loss program, such as ensuring that you are drinking enough water to stay hydrated, or heading to the gym a few times a week for a helpful exercise class. Creating a regular yoga routine can also support your weight loss efforts, though in different ways. [Read more]

Losing weight becomes more difficult the older you become. For so many people, a quick trip down memory lane is enough to confirm this entirely. As teenagers and even in your early twenties, gaining a few pounds over the holidays was easy enough to remedy by the time summer came around. The older you get, the more difficult this seems to attain, and before you know it you could be facing several years-worth of holiday pounds all at once, with no seeming easy trick for making them disappear. [Read more]



Do you ever think to yourself that you just aren’t a “gym person?” If so, know that you aren’t alone. Sure, there are some people who live for every moment at the gym, whether it is for their time on the treadmill or an hour lifting weights. However, you don’t have to feel this way to be able to manage through a workout of your own. [Read more]

There is an old saying that it takes more muscles to complete a frown than it does to simply smile. But the weight of a frown is actually much heavier on the psyche than it is on the body. Smiling might not be a workout in and of itself, but it can encourage you to get started on a real workout. This is the power of positivity, and it is a real phenomenon. Being happy and positive can help improve your weight loss efforts by giving you the mental boost necessary to push on through difficult times. [Read more]

There is a body of evidence supporting the idea that a positive attitude is actually more indicative of weight loss success than simply eliminating foods from your diet. The idea, of course, is that by having a positive attitude about your weight loss success you can successfully make the long-term changes needed to lose weight and keep it off. [Read more]

Anyone who has undergone weight loss surgery knows that losing weight is more than a physical task. Losing weight—especially losing a lot of weight—impacts you emotionally and mentally in ways that many people are not prepared for. Physical changes in your body can stir up deep-seated emotions and frustrations that may interfere with your weight loss plan. [Read more]